Manage Custom Tracks
Genome: D. melanogaster    Assembly: Apr. 2006 (BDGP R5/dm3)    [dm3]
Name Description Type Doc Items Pos
RNA-seq_larvaeRNA-seq in larval testes_replicates merged_per 200 nt binsbedGraph 648323chr2L:
RNA-seq_bamRNA-seq in bam testes_replicates merged per 200 nt bins, data from Laktionov 2018bedGraph 648323chr2L:
Lam SpC(M) HMM 0.3kbLam 2xHMM domains for SpC(M)_reads merged for replicates_0.3kb binsbed 8759chr2L:
Pc testes 2xHMM domainsPc testes 2xHMM domains on 0.3kb binsbed 1701chr2L:
Pc testes 3xHMM domainsPc testes 3xHMM domains on 0.3kb binsbed 1293chr2L:
Lam SG 0.3bin 2xHMMLam_SG_2xHMM_merged reads from replicates_0.3kb binsbed 11105chr2L:
Lam_SpC(M)_0.3kb binLam_SpC(mature)_merged reads from replicates_0.3kb binsbedGraph 369309chr2L:
Lam_SG_0.3kb binLam_SG_merged reads from replicates_0.3kb binsbedGraph 383302chr2L:
Pc_testesPc ChIP on chip in whole testes from GSE39935bedGraph 2157868chr2L:
check all / clear all 

Managing Custom Tracks

This section provides a brief description of the columns in custom track management table. For more details about managing custom tracks, see the Genome Browser User's Guide.

  • Name - a hyperlink to the update page where you can edit your track data.
  • Description - the value of the "description" attribute from the track line, if present. If no description is included in the input file, this field contains the track name.
  • Type - the track type, determined by the Browser based on the format of the data.
  • Doc - displays "Y" (Yes) if a description page has been uploaded for the track; otherwise the field is blank.
  • Items - the number of data items in the custom track file. An item count is not displayed for tracks lacking individual items (e.g. wiggle format data).
  • Pos - the default chromosomal position defined by the track file in either the browser line "position" attribute or the first data line. Clicking this link opens the Genome Browser or Table Browser at the specified position (note: only the chromosome name is shown in this column). The Pos column remains blank if the track lacks individual items (e.g. wiggle format data) and the browser line "position" attribute hasn't been set.