Manage Custom Tracks
Genome: Human    Assembly: Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)    [hg19]
Name Description Type Doc Items Pos
KP6_SEsUser Supplied Trackbed 758chr19:
FLAM76_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 767chr17:
MK_UTMC2_SEsUTMC2_H3K27ac_SEsbed 619chr1:
MK_SKMM2_SEsSKMM2_H3K27ac_SEsbed 360chr1:
MK_M1286PE7_SEsM1286PE7_H3K27ac_SEsbed 746chr1:
MK_M1286PE2_SEsM1286PE2_H3K27ac_SEsbed 814chr1:
MK_KAS6_SEsKAS6_H3K27ac_SEsbed 751chr1:
MK_FLAM76_SEsFLAM76_H3K27ac_SEsbed 1063chr1:
KHM11_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 615chr14:
KAS6_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 455chr15:
XG2_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 591chr8:
MM_M1_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 245chr8:
L363_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 406chr8:
KMS11_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 903chr5:
KMS12BM_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 722chr5:
UTMC2_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 299chr3:
SKMM2_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 278chr11:
MC1286PE7_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 588chr7:
MC1286PE2_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 703chr5:
KARPAS_620_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 479chr8:
JIM3_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 299chr3:
EJM_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 480chr5:
ANBL6.5XIL6_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 676chr18:
ANBL6_IL6_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 763chr15:
H929_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 701chr8:
AMU_MM1_SEUser Supplied Trackbed 833chr14:
XG2.H3K27ac.GH1321HomerTagDir.XG2.H3K27ac.GH1321.sam Total Tags = 3.15e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 53904097chr1:
WJL2014.356.MM_M1.H3K27AcHomerTagDir.WJL2014.356.MM_M1.H3K27Ac.sam Total Tags = 2.04e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 30017385chr1:
WJL2014.353.L363.H3K27AcHomerTagDir.WJL2014.353.L363.H3K27Ac.sam Total Tags = 1.88e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 27365106chr1:
WJL2014.200.KMS11.H3K27AcHomerTagDir.WJL2014.200.KMS11.H3K27Ac.sam Total Tags = 1.60e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 13646784chr1:
WJL2014.197.KMS12BM.H3K27AcHomerTagDir.WJL2014.197.KMS12BM.H3K27Ac.sam Total Tags = 1.64e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 11102469chr1:
UTMC2.H3K27ac.TTAGGCHomerTagDir.UTMC2.H3K27ac.TTAGGC.sam Total Tags = 9.52e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 11677347chr1:
SKMM2.H3K27ac.CGATGTHomerTagDir.SKMM2.H3K27ac.CGATGT.sam Total Tags = 1.06e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 16515359chr1:
MC1286PE7.H3K27ac.GCCAATHomerTagDir.MC1286PE7.H3K27ac.GCCAAT.sam Total Tags = 6.38e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 7729484chr1:
MC1286PE2.H3K27ac.ACAGTGHomerTagDir.MC1286PE2.H3K27ac.ACAGTG.sam Total Tags = 6.93e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 9233302chr1:
KP6.H3K27ac.GH722HomerTagDir.KP6.H3K27ac.GH722.sam Total Tags = 3.36e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 47729455chr1:
KHM11.H3K27ac.GH725HomerTagDir.KHM11.H3K27ac.GH725.sam Total Tags = 2.68e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 38744185chr1:
KAS6.H3K27ac.TGACCAHomerTagDir.KAS6.H3K27ac.TGACCA.sam Total Tags = 1.01e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 13690934chr1:
KARPAS-620.H3K27ac.GH1319HomerTagDir.KARPAS-620.H3K27ac.GH1319.sam Total Tags = 2.48e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 41231023chr1:
JIM3.H3K27ac.GH1313HomerTagDir.JIM3.H3K27ac.GH1313.sam Total Tags = 3.41e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 59574460chr1:
H929.H3K27ac.GH1307HomerTagDir.H929.H3K27ac.GH1307.sam Total Tags = 2.99e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 41895649chr1:
FLAM76.H3K27ac.ATCACGHomerTagDir.FLAM76.H3K27ac.ATCACG.sam Total Tags = 1.02e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 14919127chr1:
EJM.H3K27ac.GH1310HomerTagDir.EJM.H3K27ac.GH1310.sam Total Tags = 3.31e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 50787899chr1:
ANBL6.5XIL6.H3K27ac.GH728HomerTagDir.ANBL6.5XIL6.H3K27ac.GH728.sam Total Tags = 3.10e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 42769989chr1:
ANBL6-IL6.H3K27ac.GH731HomerTagDir.ANBL6-IL6.H3K27ac.GH731.sam Total Tags = 3.77e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 47938661chr1:
AMU-MM1.H3K27ac.GH1316HomerTagDir.AMU-MM1.H3K27ac.GH1316.sam Total Tags = 1.53e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 22670902chr1:
U266_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 780chr7:
RPMI8226_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 295chr5:
OPM2_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 816chr17:
LP1_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 510chr5:
KMS_12_BM_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 289chr19:
MOLP8_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 349chr1:
MOLP2_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 514chr6:
MM.1S_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 854chr6:
H929_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 757chr20:
EJM_SE_YINUser Supplied Trackbed 526chr5:
KMS_12_BM.K27ac.YLKMS.K27ac_cDNA1551_R1 Total Tags = 1.09e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 6857200chr1:
EJM.K27ac.YLEJM_K27ac_cDNA1736_R1.hg19 Total Tags = 6.95e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 5696070chr1:
U266.K27ac.YLU266.K27ac Total Tags = 1.44e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 5794006chr1:
RPMI8226.K27ac.YLRPMI8226.K27ac Total Tags = 1.36e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 5203379chr1:
OPM2.K27ac.YLOPM2.K27ac Total Tags = 1.12e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 6178506chr1:
MOLP8.K27ac.YLMOLP8.K27ac_cDNA1733_R1 Total Tags = 7.96e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 6261608chr1:
MOLP2.K27ac.YLMOLP2.K27ac_cDNA1739_R1 Total Tags = 5.58e+06, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 5743330chr1:
MM1S.K27ac.YLMM1S.K27ac Total Tags = 1.57e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 5769906chr1:
LP1.K27ac.YLLP1_K27ac_cDNA1880_R1.hg19 Total Tags = 2.81e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 6703773chr1:
H929.K27ac.YLH929.K27ac Total Tags = 1.56e+07, normalized to 1.00e+07bedGraph 4530547chr1:
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Managing Custom Tracks

This section provides a brief description of the columns in custom track management table. For more details about managing custom tracks, see the Genome Browser User's Guide.

  • Name - a hyperlink to the update page where you can edit your track data.
  • Description - the value of the "description" attribute from the track line, if present. If no description is included in the input file, this field contains the track name.
  • Type - the track type, determined by the Browser based on the format of the data.
  • Doc - displays "Y" (Yes) if a description page has been uploaded for the track; otherwise the field is blank.
  • Items - the number of data items in the custom track file. An item count is not displayed for tracks lacking individual items (e.g. wiggle format data).
  • Pos - the default chromosomal position defined by the track file in either the browser line "position" attribute or the first data line. Clicking this link opens the Genome Browser or Table Browser at the specified position (note: only the chromosome name is shown in this column). The Pos column remains blank if the track lacks individual items (e.g. wiggle format data) and the browser line "position" attribute hasn't been set.