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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
RAPGEF3: top 25 interacting genes (chr12:48128145-48152663)
Mouse over or click genes or lines for details. Dashed lines indicate interactions without text mining support. Click any gene to make it the new center. Click any line to show details about the interaction. Only RAPGEF3-interacting genes and only the most-mentioned/most-curated interactions are shown in the graph. See the Help Page for details.
Gene:               Hide non-RAPGEF3 interactions     Show top Genes on graph    

Less-frequently mentioned interactions with RAPGEF3, not among the Top 25
Other genes interacting with RAPGEF3. Mouse-over to show number of abstracts or databases. Sorted alphabetically (sort by article count).
Like above, interactions are colored by support. Grey:only text mining, light-blue:interaction database, blue:pathway database


Data information
Please see the Gene Interactions Track Manual.