Track Database Definition Change History

Track Database Definition

This document summarizes the changes to the UCSC Genome Browser Hub TrackDb specification.

Date Track Types Link to Doc Change
2024-06-11 bigBed, bigGenePred, bigChain, bigPsl highlightValues.* Allow user to highlight certain features in yellow, if they contain certain values in an extraField
2024-01-22 bigWig setColorWith Color a signal plot from a bigWig file by the ranges in a bigBed file
2023-11-08 bigBed, bigGenePred, bigChain, bigPsl decorator.* Semi-transparently overlay annotations, e.g. protein domains on transcripts, mutations on exons, or summits on chip-seq peaks
2023-10-16 bigGenePred, bigChain, bigPsl mouseOver, mouseOverField mouseOver works for all bigBed-based file formats
2023-06-27 all maxItems Change: maxItems, increased default to 10,000, 10x more items can be shown.
2023-04-04 all downloadUrl New: downloadUrl <fileType> <URL>
Shows a link where user can download a file. On the UCSC browser, the link is shown above the description page. Right now this is used for GFF files on gene tracks.
2022-09-30 bigBed, BAM doWiggle New: doWiggle on
Instead of showing the features, show coverage of features, as a 'wiggle' (signal) style track. Can be switched off by the user on the track config page.
2022-09-22 bigGenePred colorByStrand Change: colorByStrand can now be used by bigGenePred-type tracks.
2022-06-30 bigPsl, bigChain otherTwoBitUrl New: otherTwoBitUrl <URL>
This statement allows to store query sequences in a separate twoBit file rather than in the annotation file itself, which can reduce the size of the annotation file.
2022-05-14 bigWig logo New: logo on
Motif logo of the genome sequence, as a "dynseq" display, see the example.
2022-05-05 bigMaf, maf logoMaf New: logoMaf on
Motif logo on MAF/bigMaf alignment tracks. Zooming in on alignment shows nucleotides scaled by phyloP conservation.
2019-05 all useOneFile useOneFile on
Adding the 'useOneFile on' line to the hub.txt section of a hub allows the contents of all three files to be referenced inside of one file.