ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 ENCSR909HMT Track Settings
ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of Homo sapiens HEK293 cell line genetically modified (insertion) using site-specific recombination targeting H. sapiens ZEB1 - ENCSR909HMT

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  Biosample↓1 Targets↓2 Replicates↓3 views↓4   Track Name↓5  
 HEK293  ZEB1  Pooled  Optimal IDR thresholded peaks  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 optimal IDR thresholded peaks pool ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF448MOA    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Pooled  Conservative IDR thresholded peaks  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 conservative IDR thresholded peaks pool ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF320GGD    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Pooled  Fold change over control  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 fold change over control pool ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF498WPI    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Pooled  Signal p-value  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 signal p-value pool ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF796CRZ    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Replicate 1  Fold change over control  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 fold change over control rep1 ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF780MXL    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Replicate 1  Signal p-value  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 signal p-value rep1 ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF613HKY    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Replicate 2  Fold change over control  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 fold change over control rep2 ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF972IFM    Data format 
 HEK293  ZEB1  Replicate 2  Signal p-value  ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of HEK293 signal p-value rep2 ENCSR909HMT - ENCFF179TDD    Data format 
Assembly: Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)

Note: This trackhub was automatically generated from the ENCODE files and metadata found at the ENCODE portal

ZEB1 TF ChIP-seq of Homo sapiens HEK293 cell line genetically modified (insertion) using site-specific recombination targeting H. sapiens ZEB1 - ENCSR909HMT

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