This track shows the locations of human contigs on the physical map.
The underlying data is derived from the GRCh37 AGP file
that accompanies this assembly.
The contigs in this track are identical to those in the
GRC Map Contigs track,
the difference being the the contigs in the GRC Map Contigs
track are named according to GRC.
All contigs in this track are oriented to the
"+" strand.
For human genome reference sequences dated April 2003 and later,
the individual chromosome sequencing centers are responsible
for preparing the assembly of their chromosomes in
AGP format
(see also: AGP File Specification).
The files provided by these centers are checked and validated at NCBI, and
form the basis for the AGP file that defines the physical
map contigs.
For more information on the human genome assembly process, see
NCBI Assembly Primer.