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Kashiwagi et al., Free Radic Biol Med 1999
Kinetic analysis revealed that
catalase activity decreased and
caspase-3-like activity
increased during normal tadpole tail atrophy ( apoptosis )
Jiang et al., J Neurochem 2001
Genetic up-regulation of
catalase not only significantly reduced cell death but also
suppressed caspase 3 activity and DNA fragmentation ... However, unlike inducibly increased
catalase expression and general
caspase inhibition both of which protect cells from cytotoxicity, caspase 3 inhibition alone did not improve cell survival suggesting that prevention of DNA fragmentation is insufficient to prevent H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) -mediated cell death
Lavastre et al., Clin Immunol 2002
In addition, toxaphene was found to induce the degradation of the cytoskeletal proteins gelsolin, paxillin, and vimentin during apoptosis, and this was reversed by the addition of z-VAD-FMK (
caspase inhibitor ) or
catalase , demonstrating the importance of caspases and ROS in this process
Wang et al., Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi 2003
Effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine and
catalase on apoptosis of lens epithelial cell and the activity of
caspase-3 ]
Poh et al., Cancer Res 2005
(Prostatic Neoplasms) :
Indeed, overexpression of
catalase significantly
blocked the amplifying effect of LY pretreatment on caspase-2 and
caspase-3 activation and cell death triggered by vincristine
Yasui et al., Free radical research 2005
(Down Syndrome...) :
Catalase inhibited the neutrophil apoptosis and
caspase-3 activation
Kim et al., FEBS Lett 2006
(Melanoma) :
On further investigating the IAA/HRP mediated apoptotic pathway, we found that the IAA/HRP reaction leads to
caspase-3 activation and poly ( ADP-ribose ) polymerase ( PARP ) cleavage, which was also
blocked by
Yu et al., Cancer Lett 2008
(Leukemia) :
The apoptosis induction ability of ETME was associated with the production of hydrogen peroxide ( H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) ), the decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential, and the activation of
caspase-3 that was
blocked by
Pramanik et al., PloS one 2011
(Pancreatic Neoplasms) :
Our results reveal that the release of cytochrome c and cleavage of both
caspase-9 and caspase-3 due to disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential were significantly
blocked by
catalase and EUK-134 in BxPC-3 cells