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Pathways - manually collected, often from reviews:
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Barber et al., J Biol Chem 2007
Activation of
PI3K alone is not
sufficient to promote significant membrane translocation of
P-Rex1 ... Co-expression of P-Rex1 with either Gbetagamma or PI3K caused only an insignificant increase in P-Rex1 membrane localization, whereas Gbetagamma and
PI3K together synergistically
caused a robust increase in membrane localized
P-Rex1 to 23 % of the total
Wertheimer et al., Cell Signal 2012
(Breast Neoplasms...) :
P-Rex1 is
activated by the
PI3K product PIP3 and Gß? subunits, and integrates signals from ErbB receptors and GPCRs