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Schultess et al., Blood 2005
Recently, we have found that
Rap1 activation can be
blocked by the nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate ( NO/cGMP ) signaling pathway by type 1
cGMP dependent protein kinase (cGKI)
Danielewski et al., Thromb Haemost 2005
(Calcium Signaling) :
Four lines of evidence suggest that NO/cGMP effects are mediated by cGMP dependent protein kinase (cGKI) : ( i ) Rap 1 inhibition correlated with cGKI activity as measured by the phosphorylation state of VASP, an established substrate of cGKI, ( ii ) 8-pCPT-cGMP, a membrane permeable cGMP-analog and activator of cGKI, completely blocked Rap1 activation, ( iii ) Rp-8pCPT-cGMPS, a cGKI inhibitor, reversed NO effects and ( iv ) expression of
cGKI in cGKI-deficient megakaryocytes
inhibited Rap1 activation ... Furthermore,
cGKI inhibited ADP induced
Rap 1 activation induced by the Galpha ( i ) -coupled P2Y12 receptor alone, i.e. independently of effects on Ca2+ signalling ... From these studies we conclude that NO/cGMP inhibit
Rap 1 activation in human platelets and that this effect is
mediated by