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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Hers et al., Biochem J 2002
Inhibition of PI 3-kinase
enhanced the insulin stimulated phosphorylation of IRS-1 on (i) Tyr ( 612 ) and
Tyr ( 941 ) ( p85 binding sites ), concomitant with an increased association of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase ; ( ii ) Tyr ( 896 ) ( a Grb2 binding site ) ; and ( iii ) Tyr ( 1229 ) ( an SHP-2 binding site ), although little or no binding of SHP-2 to
IRS-1 was detectable under any conditions
He et al., J Biol Chem 1995
We confirm that
Tyr-960 within the NPEY motif of the IR is essential for both IRS-1 and SHC interaction and that Asn-957 and Pro-958 are
essential for
IRS-1 interaction and important but not critical for SHC interaction