Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Nick et al., J Immunol 2002 (Inflammation) : Release of TNF-alpha, macrophage-inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 ( MIP-1beta ), and IL-8 by LPS stimulated neutrophils was also reduced by poststimulation p38 MAPK inhibition
Takahashi et al., Respir Res 2009 (Disease Models, Animal...) : CD74 was found to be expressed on the surface of alveolar macrophages, and MIF induced MIP-2 accumulation was dependent on p44/p42 MAPK in macrophages
Shastry et al., Journal of inflammation (London, England) 2009 : Further analyses revealed that Hcy induced MIP-2 was dependent on activation of p38 MAPK and PI3 kinase
Yan et al., J Biol Chem 2012 (Inflammation...) : Moreover, both ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK are involved in C/EBP induction and TNF-a, MIP-2 , and MIP-1a production induced by IgG IC