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MAPK10 — S100A8
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Higashi et al., J Biol Chem 2004
The morphogenetic activity of
CagA also
required Erk
MAPK but was independent of Ras or Grb2
Ghavami et al., J Leukoc Biol 2008
(MAP Kinase Signaling System) :
S100A8/A9 caused a significant increase in p38
MAPK and p44/42 kinase phosphorylation, and the status of stress activated protein kinase/JNK phosphorylation remained unchanged
Sun et al., Circ Res 2009
These studies suggest that free cholesterol enrichment of either plasma or endosomal membranes in macrophages leads to activation of signaling via various TLRs, prolonged p38
mitogen activated protein kinase activation, and
induction of Mmps, Ctsk, and
S100a8 , potentially contributing to plaque complications
Schenten et al., J Leukoc Biol 2011
Sphingosine kinases regulate NOX2 activity via p38
MAPK dependent translocation of
Mose et al., Exp Dermatol 2013
TNFa- and IL-17A mediated
S100A8 expression is
regulated by p38