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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Qian et al., Blood 2007
Blockade of IFN-alpha/beta
inhibits IP-10 production by
TLR agonist activated regulatory DCs
Wang et al., Blood 2008
We and others have reported that
Toll-like receptor ( TLR ) proteins are present on human neutrophils and that granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) treatment
enhances IL-8 (
CXCL8 ) secretion in response to stimulation with TLR ligands
Lee et al., Cell Microbiol 2009
In addition,
TLR2 , Dectin-1 and, to an extent, TLR4 are
essential for the MU-mediated expression of
CXCL8 , CCL2 and LL-37 in keratinocytes
Kwissa et al., Blood 2012
Furthermore, all
TLR-Ls induced rapid ( 3-8 hours ) expansion of CD14 ( + ) monocytes, but only TLR7/8-L and TLR9-L mobilized the CD14 ( + ) CD16 ( + ) and CD14 ( dim ) CD16 ( ++ ) monocytes, and only TLR7/8-L and TLR9-L
induced activation of myeloid dendritic cells ( mDCs ) and plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ), production of
IP-10 and type-I IFN, and expression of type-I IFN related and chemokine genes in the blood
Abe et al., J Virol 2012
In this study, we examined the
role of the
Toll-like receptor ( TLR ) pathway on
IP-10 production in cells replicating HCV
Sharma et al., J Leukoc Biol 2013
Our findings reveal a previously unrecognized role for S1P in regulating
TLR induced
CXCL8 secretion from human T cells