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IL2 — MMP21
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Meisser et al., Mol Hum Reprod 1999
The aim of this study was to determine the
effects of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF),
interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1alpha), macrophage colony stimulating factor ( MCSF ) and transforming growth factor beta ( TGFbeta ) on the secretion of
matrix metalloproteinases ( MMP ) , human chorionic gonadotrophin ( HCG ) and fetal fibronectin ( fFN ) by purified first trimester cytotrophoblastic cells (CTB) in vitro
Sun et al., Connect Tissue Res 2003
(Arthritis, Rheumatoid) :
Furthermore, the
induction of the
MMP expression and activities by
interleukin-1 was suppressed by the oscillatory shear
Edsparr et al., J Immunother 2010
Effects of
IL-2 on
MMP expression in freshly isolated human NK cells and the IL-2 independent NK cell line YT ... We have used freshly isolated human NK cells and the IL-2 independent NK cell line, YT, to investigate the
effects of
IL-2 stimulation on NK cell invasion of Matrigel and on
MMP expression and production
Benson et al., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011
Intracellular calcium flux was augmented in
response to
MMP inhibition or deficiency in the same cells, and
IL-2 production was reduced in CD4 ( + ) and CD8 ( + ) MMP9 ( -/- ) T cells
Park et al., Stem Cell Rev 2011
The inhibition of
MMP activity in the MSC CM by GM6001 abrogated CD25 cleavage and
restored IL-2 production from the activated splenocytes
Mann et al., Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1995
(Carcinoma, Squamous Cell...) :
Supernatants of HNSCC cell lines SCC-25 and FADU stimulated with interleukin (IL)-1 alpha and IL-1 beta demonstrated modest induction of 92 kd GL production by zymogram analysis when compared with controls ;
IL-2 , IL-6, and interferon-gamma
had no consistent effect on
MMP production