Human Gene STARD13 (ENST00000336934.10_13) from GENCODE V47lift37
  Description: StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 13, transcript variant 1 (from RefSeq NM_178006.4)
Gencode Transcript: ENST00000336934.10_13
Gencode Gene: ENSG00000133121.21_17
Transcript (Including UTRs)
   Position: hg19 chr13:33,677,274-33,859,892 Size: 182,619 Total Exon Count: 14 Strand: -
Coding Region
   Position: hg19 chr13:33,679,730-33,859,775 Size: 180,046 Coding Exon Count: 14 

Page IndexSequence and LinksUniProtKB CommentsPrimersMalaCardsCTD
Gene AllelesRNA-Seq ExpressionMicroarray ExpressionRNA StructureProtein StructureOther Species
GO AnnotationsmRNA DescriptionsPathwaysOther NamesModel InformationMethods
Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-08-22 23:36:26

-  Sequence and Links to Tools and Databases
Genomic Sequence (chr13:33,677,274-33,859,892)mRNA (may differ from genome)Protein (1113 aa)
Gene SorterGenome BrowserOther Species FASTAVisiGeneGene interactionsTable Schema
AlphaFoldBioGPSEnsemblEntrez GeneExonPrimerGeneCards
UniProtKBWikipediaBioGrid CRISPR DB

-  Comments and Description Text from UniProtKB
DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=StAR-related lipid transfer protein 13; AltName: Full=46H23.2; AltName: Full=Deleted in liver cancer 2 protein; Short=DLC-2; AltName: Full=Rho GTPase-activating protein; AltName: Full=START domain-containing protein 13; Short=StARD13;
FUNCTION: GTPase-activating protein for RhoA, and perhaps for Cdc42. May be involved in regulation of cytoskeletal reorganization, cell proliferation and cell motility. Acts a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
SUBUNIT: Homodimer. Interacts with TAX1BP1.
INTERACTION: Q86VP1:TAX1BP1; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-465487, EBI-529518;
SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm. Membrane; Peripheral membrane protein; Cytoplasmic side. Mitochondrion membrane; Peripheral membrane protein; Cytoplasmic side. Lipid droplet.
TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Ubiquitously expressed. Underexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma cells and some breast cancer cell lines.
SIMILARITY: Contains 1 Rho-GAP domain.
SIMILARITY: Contains 1 SAM (sterile alpha motif) domain.
SIMILARITY: Contains 1 START domain.

-  Primer design for this transcript

Primer3Plus can design qPCR Primers that straddle exon-exon-junctions, which amplify only cDNA, not genomic DNA.
Click here to load the transcript sequence and exon structure into Primer3Plus

Exonprimer can design one pair of Sanger sequencing primers around every exon, located in non-genic sequence.
Click here to open Exonprimer with this transcript

To design primers for a non-coding sequence, zoom to a region of interest and select from the drop-down menu: View > In External Tools > Primer3

-  MalaCards Disease Associations
  MalaCards Gene Search: STARD13
Diseases sorted by gene-association score: hepatocellular carcinoma (15), fibrosarcoma of bone (5)

-  Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)
  The following chemicals interact with this gene           more ... click here to view the complete list

+  Common Gene Haplotype Alleles
  Press "+" in the title bar above to open this section.

-  RNA-Seq Expression Data from GTEx (53 Tissues, 570 Donors)
  Highest median expression: 22.75 RPKM in Nerve - Tibial
Total median expression: 251.89 RPKM

View in GTEx track of Genome Browser    View at GTEx portal     View GTEx Body Map

+  Microarray Expression Data
  Press "+" in the title bar above to open this section.

-  mRNA Secondary Structure of 3' and 5' UTRs
RegionFold EnergyBasesEnergy/Base
Display As
5' UTR -39.40117-0.337 Picture PostScript Text
3' UTR -614.502456-0.250 Picture PostScript Text

The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.

-  Protein Domain and Structure Information
  InterPro Domains: Graphical view of domain structure
IPR008936 - Rho_GTPase_activation_prot
IPR000198 - RhoGAP_dom
IPR011510 - SAM_2
IPR023393 - START-like_dom
IPR002913 - START_lipid-bd

Pfam Domains:
PF00620 - RhoGAP domain
PF01852 - START domain
PF07647 - SAM domain (Sterile alpha motif)

SCOP Domains:
48350 - GTPase activation domain, GAP
48371 - ARM repeat
47769 - SAM/Pointed domain
55961 - Bet v1-like

Protein Data Bank (PDB) 3-D Structure
MuPIT help
2H80 - NMR MuPIT 2JW2 - NMR MuPIT 2PSO - X-ray MuPIT

ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on Q9Y3M8
The pictures above may be empty if there is no ModBase structure for the protein. The ModBase structure frequently covers just a fragment of the protein. You may be asked to log onto ModBase the first time you click on the pictures. It is simplest after logging in to just click on the picture again to get to the specific info on that model.

-  Orthologous Genes in Other Species
  Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
MouseRatZebrafishD. melanogasterC. elegansS. cerevisiae
No orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo ortholog
Gene DetailsGene Details    
Gene SorterGene Sorter    

-  Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations with Structured Vocabulary
  Molecular Function:
GO:0005096 GTPase activator activity
GO:0005515 protein binding
GO:0008289 lipid binding

Biological Process:
GO:0007165 signal transduction
GO:0043542 endothelial cell migration
GO:0043547 positive regulation of GTPase activity
GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
GO:0090051 negative regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis
GO:0097498 endothelial tube lumen extension

Cellular Component:
GO:0005737 cytoplasm
GO:0005739 mitochondrion
GO:0005811 lipid particle
GO:0005829 cytosol
GO:0016020 membrane
GO:0031966 mitochondrial membrane

-  Descriptions from all associated GenBank mRNAs
  BX647695 - Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp686I08126 (from clone DKFZp686I08126).
AY082590 - Homo sapiens deleted in liver cancer 2 beta mRNA, complete cds.
AL049801 - Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 13, similar to rat RhoGAP.
AY082591 - Homo sapiens deleted in liver cancer 2 gamma mRNA, complete cds.
AY082589 - Homo sapiens deleted in liver cancer 2 alpha mRNA, complete cds.
AY366448 - Homo sapiens chromosome 13 Rho GTPase activating protein mRNA, complete cds.
AK095114 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ37795 fis, clone BRSSN1000059, highly similar to StAR-related lipid transfer protein 13.
AK094704 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ37385 fis, clone BRAMY2026405, highly similar to StAR-related lipid transfer protein 13.
AK312888 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ93332, Homo sapiens START domain containing 13 (STARD13), transcriptvariant gamma, mRNA.
AK308453 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ98401.
AK308430 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ98378.
AY082592 - Homo sapiens deleted in liver cancer 2 delta mRNA, complete cds.
JD551152 - Sequence 532176 from Patent EP1572962.
BX641149 - Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp686I04252 (from clone DKFZp686I04252).
JD491457 - Sequence 472481 from Patent EP1572962.
JD176355 - Sequence 157379 from Patent EP1572962.
JD278528 - Sequence 259552 from Patent EP1572962.
JD148790 - Sequence 129814 from Patent EP1572962.
JD166006 - Sequence 147030 from Patent EP1572962.
JD267213 - Sequence 248237 from Patent EP1572962.
JD531743 - Sequence 512767 from Patent EP1572962.
JD364927 - Sequence 345951 from Patent EP1572962.
JD300965 - Sequence 281989 from Patent EP1572962.
JD503496 - Sequence 484520 from Patent EP1572962.
JD300403 - Sequence 281427 from Patent EP1572962.
JD285128 - Sequence 266152 from Patent EP1572962.
JD358301 - Sequence 339325 from Patent EP1572962.
JD038764 - Sequence 19788 from Patent EP1572962.
JD053697 - Sequence 34721 from Patent EP1572962.
JD381269 - Sequence 362293 from Patent EP1572962.
JD162295 - Sequence 143319 from Patent EP1572962.
JD256082 - Sequence 237106 from Patent EP1572962.
JD497905 - Sequence 478929 from Patent EP1572962.
JD164157 - Sequence 145181 from Patent EP1572962.
JD548976 - Sequence 530000 from Patent EP1572962.
JD264963 - Sequence 245987 from Patent EP1572962.
JD048300 - Sequence 29324 from Patent EP1572962.
BC046563 - Homo sapiens StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 13, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:46633 IMAGE:5527069), complete cds.
AK091804 - Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ34485 fis, clone HLUNG2004170, highly similar to StAR-related lipid transfer protein 13.
KJ903549 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone ccsbBroadEn_12943 STARD13 gene, encodes complete protein.
JD512229 - Sequence 493253 from Patent EP1572962.
JD263310 - Sequence 244334 from Patent EP1572962.
JD557109 - Sequence 538133 from Patent EP1572962.
JD350702 - Sequence 331726 from Patent EP1572962.

-  Biochemical and Signaling Pathways
  Reactome (by CSHL, EBI, and GO)

Protein Q9Y3M8 (Reactome details) participates in the following event(s):

R-HSA-194922 GAPs inactivate Rho GTPase:GTP by hydrolysis
R-HSA-194840 Rho GTPase cycle
R-HSA-194315 Signaling by Rho GTPases
R-HSA-162582 Signal Transduction

-  Other Names for This Gene
  Alternate Gene Symbols: A2A309, A2A310, DLC2, ENST00000336934.1, ENST00000336934.2, ENST00000336934.3, ENST00000336934.4, ENST00000336934.5, ENST00000336934.6, ENST00000336934.7, ENST00000336934.8, ENST00000336934.9, GT650, NM_178006, Q5HYH1, Q5TAE3, Q6UN61, Q86TP6, Q86WQ3, Q86XT1, Q9Y3M8, STA13_HUMAN, uc317uqt.1, uc317uqt.2
UCSC ID: ENST00000336934.10_13
RefSeq Accession: NM_178006.4
Protein: Q9Y3M8 (aka STA13_HUMAN or SR13_HUMAN)

-  Gene Model Information
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-  Methods, Credits, and Use Restrictions
  Click here for details on how this gene model was made and data restrictions if any.