ID:SPF27_HUMAN DESCRIPTION: RecName: Full=Pre-mRNA-splicing factor SPF27; AltName: Full=Breast carcinoma-amplified sequence 2; AltName: Full=DNA amplified in mammary carcinoma 1 protein; AltName: Full=Spliceosome-associated protein SPF 27; FUNCTION: Component of the PRP19-CDC5L complex that forms an integral part of the spliceosome and is required for activating pre-mRNA splicing. May have a scaffolding role in the spliceosome assembly as it contacts all other components of the core complex. SUBUNIT: Component of the PRP19-CDC5L splicing complex composed of a core complex comprising a homotetramer of PRPF19, CDC5L, PLRG1 and BCAS2, and at least three less stably associated proteins CTNNBL1, CWC15 and HSPA8. Interacts directly in the complex with PRPF19, CDC5L and PLRG1. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus, nucleolus. TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Ubiquitously expressed. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the SPF27 family.
The RNAfold program from the Vienna RNA Package is used to perform the secondary structure predictions and folding calculations. The estimated folding energy is in kcal/mol. The more negative the energy, the more secondary structure the RNA is likely to have.
ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on O75934
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Orthologous Genes in Other Species
Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
DQ892529 - Synthetic construct clone IMAGE:100005159; FLH187201.01X; RZPDo839E1072D breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 (BCAS2) gene, encodes complete protein. BC063894 - Homo sapiens DENN/MADD domain containing 2C, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:30389241). BC039238 - Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4688387). AK222637 - Homo sapiens mRNA for breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 variant, clone: CBL04884. BC022880 - Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:27160 IMAGE:3930637), complete cds. LF383821 - JP 2014500723-A/191324: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. BC005285 - Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:12341 IMAGE:3930559), complete cds. AB020623 - Homo sapiens DAM1 mRNA, complete cds. BC012623 - Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:13667 IMAGE:4073772), complete cds. JD249024 - Sequence 230048 from Patent EP1572962. JD510202 - Sequence 491226 from Patent EP1572962. JD552925 - Sequence 533949 from Patent EP1572962. JD513237 - Sequence 494261 from Patent EP1572962. JD284170 - Sequence 265194 from Patent EP1572962. JD348853 - Sequence 329877 from Patent EP1572962. LF352868 - JP 2014500723-A/160371: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. JD090993 - Sequence 72017 from Patent EP1572962. JD437327 - Sequence 418351 from Patent EP1572962. LF352867 - JP 2014500723-A/160370: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. JD296814 - Sequence 277838 from Patent EP1572962. EU832613 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone HAIB:100067642; DKFZo008A0831 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 protein (BCAS2) gene, encodes complete protein. LF352866 - JP 2014500723-A/160369: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. AF081788 - Homo sapiens putative spliceosome associated protein mRNA, complete cds. CR542037 - Homo sapiens full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo834B0136D for gene BCAS2, breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2; complete cds, incl. stopcodon. AK313141 - Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ93631, Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 (BCAS2), mRNA. EU176700 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone IMAGE:100011497; FLH187200.01L; RZPDo839H05255D breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 (BCAS2) gene, encodes complete protein. EU832684 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone HAIB:100067713; DKFZo004A0832 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 protein (BCAS2) gene, encodes complete protein. KJ892991 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens clone ccsbBroadEn_02385 BCAS2 gene, encodes complete protein. AB451245 - Homo sapiens BCAS2 mRNA for breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, complete cds, clone: FLJ08051AAAN. BT019390 - Homo sapiens breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 mRNA, complete cds. AB451369 - Homo sapiens BCAS2 mRNA for breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, partial cds, clone: FLJ08051AAAF. AB528339 - Synthetic construct DNA, clone: pF1KB6916, Homo sapiens BCAS2 gene for breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2, without stop codon, in Flexi system. LF352865 - JP 2014500723-A/160368: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. CU675083 - Synthetic construct Homo sapiens gateway clone IMAGE:100020187 5' read BCAS2 mRNA. LF352863 - JP 2014500723-A/160366: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. LF352861 - JP 2014500723-A/160364: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA619398 - JP 2018138019-A/191324: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588445 - JP 2018138019-A/160371: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588444 - JP 2018138019-A/160370: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588443 - JP 2018138019-A/160369: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588442 - JP 2018138019-A/160368: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588440 - JP 2018138019-A/160366: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs. MA588438 - JP 2018138019-A/160364: Polycomb-Associated Non-Coding RNAs.
Biochemical and Signaling Pathways
Reactome (by CSHL, EBI, and GO)
Protein O75934 (Reactome details) participates in the following event(s):
R-HSA-72124 Formation of the Spliceosomal A Complex R-HSA-72143 Lariat Formation and 5'-Splice Site Cleavage R-HSA-72139 Formation of the active Spliceosomal C (B*) complex R-HSA-72127 Formation of the Spliceosomal B Complex R-HSA-72130 Formation of an intermediate Spliceosomal C (Bact) complex R-HSA-156661 Formation of Exon Junction Complex R-HSA-72163 mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway R-HSA-72172 mRNA Splicing R-HSA-72203 Processing of Capped Intron-Containing Pre-mRNA R-HSA-8953854 Metabolism of RNA