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HumanHomo sapiensChimpPan troglodytesBonoboPan paniscusPan troglodytesPan paniscusPanGorillaGorilla gorilla gorillaHomoPanGorilla gorilla - GorillaHomininaeOrangutanPongo abeliiHomininaePongo - PonginaeHominidaeGibbonNomascus leucogenysHominidaeNomascus - HylobatidaeHominoideaGreen monkeyChlorocebus sabaeusCrab-eating macaqueMacaca fascicularisRhesusMacaca mulattaMacaca fascicularisMacaca mulattaMacacaBaboon (anubis)Papio anubisBaboon (hamadryas)Papio hamadryas hamadryasPapio anubisPapio hamadryasPapioChlorocebusMacacaPapioCercopithecinaeProboscis monkeyNasalis larvatusGolden snub-nosed monkeyRhinopithecus roxellanaNasalisRhinopithecusColobinaeCercopithecinaeColobinaeCercopithecidaeHominoideaCercopithecidae - CercopithecoideaCatarrhiniMarmosetCallithrix jacchusSquirrel monkeySaimiri boliviensis boliviensisCallithrix - Callithrix - CallitrichinaeSaimiri boliviensis - Saimiri - SaimiriinaeCebidaeCatarrhiniCebidae - PlatyrrhiniSimiiformesTarsierCarlito syrichtaSimiiformesCarlito - Tarsiidae - TarsiiformesHaplorrhiniMouse lemurMicrocebus murinusBushbabyOtolemur garnettiiMicrocebus - Cheirogaleidae - LemuriformesOtolemur - Galagidae - LorisiformesStrepsirrhiniHaplorrhiniStrepsirrhiniPrimateMouseMus musculusRatRattus norvegicusMus - MusRattusMurinaeChinese hamsterCricetulus griseusMurinae - MuridaeCricetulus - Cricetinae - CricetidaeMuroideaKangaroo ratDipodomys ordiiNaked mole-ratHeterocephalus glaberGuinea pigCavia porcellusHeterocephalus - BathyergidaeCavia - CaviidaeHystricomorphaSquirrelIctidomys tridecemlineatusMuroidea - MyomorphaDipodomys - Dipodomyinae - Heteromyidae - CastorimorphaHystricomorphaIctidomys - Marmotini - Xerinae - Sciuridae - SciuromorphaRodentiaRabbitOryctolagus cuniculusPikaOchotona princepsOryctolagus - LeporidaeOchotona - OchotonidaeLagomorphaRodentiaLagomorphaGliresMalayan flying lemurGaleopterus variegatusTree shrewTupaia belangeriPrimateGliresGaleopterus - Cynocephalidae - DermopteraTupaia - Tupaiidae - ScandentiaEuarchontogliresHedgehogErinaceus europaeusShrewSorex araneusErinaceus - Erinaceinae - ErinaceidaeSorex - Soricinae - SoricidaeEulipotyphlaPigSus scrofaCowBos taurusBisonBison bison bisonBosBison bison - BisonBovinaeSheepOvis ariesBovinaeOvis - CaprinaeBovidaeDolphinTursiops truncatusMinke whaleBalaenoptera acutorostrata scammoniTursiops - Delphinidae - OdontocetiBalaenoptera acutorostrata - Balaenoptera - Balaenopteridae - MysticetiCetaceaAlpacaVicugna pacosSus - Suidae - SuinaBovidae - Pecora - RuminantiaCetacea - WhippomorphaVicugna - Camelidae - TylopodaArtiodactylaHorseEquus caballusWhite rhinocerosCeratotherium simum simumEquus - EquidaeCeratotherium simum - Ceratotherium - RhinocerotidaePerissodactylaDogCanis lupus familiarisSouthern sea otterEnhydra lutris nereisFerret Mustela putorius furoEnhydra lutris - Enhydra - LutrinaeMustela putorius - Mustela - MustelinaeMustelidaeHawaiian monk sealNeomonachus schauinslandiPandaAiluropoda melanoleucaCanis lupus - Canis - CanidaeMustelidaeNeomonachus - PhocidaeAiluropoda - UrsidaeCaniformiaCatFelis catusCaniformiaFelis - Felinae - Felidae - FeliformiaCarnivoraMegabatPteropus vampyrusChinese pangolinManis pentadactylaEulipotyphlaArtiodactylaPerissodactylaCarnivoraPteropus - Pteropodinae - Pteropodidae - Megachiroptera - ChiropteraManis - Manidae - PholidotaLaurasiatheriaEuarchontogliresLaurasiatheriaBoreoeutheriaElephantLoxodonta africanaManateeTrichechus manatus latirostrisRock hyraxProcavia capensisTenrecEchinops telfairiLoxodonta - Elephantidae - ProboscideaTrichechus manatus - Trichechus - Trichechidae - SireniaProcavia - Procaviidae - HyracoideaEchinops - Tenrecinae - TenrecidaeAfrotheriaArmadilloDasypus novemcinctusSlothCholoepus hoffmanniDasypus - Dasypodidae - CingulataCholoepus - Megalonychidae - Folivora - PilosaXenarthraBoreoeutheriaAfrotheriaXenarthraEutheriaWallabyNotamacropus eugeniiTasmanian devilSarcophilus harrisiiOpossumMonodelphis domesticaNotamacropus - Macropodidae - DiprotodontiaSarcophilus - Dasyuridae - DasyuromorphiaMonodelphis - Didelphinae - Didelphidae - DidelphimorphiaMetatheriaEutheriaMetatheriaTheriaPlatypusOrnithorhynchus anatinusTheriaOrnithorhynchus - Ornithorhynchidae - Monotremata - PrototheriaMammaliaChickenGallus gallusTurkeyMeleagris gallopavoGallus - PhasianinaeMeleagris - MeleagridinaePhasianidaeGolden eagleAquila chrysaetos canadensisZebra finchTaeniopygia guttataMedium ground finchGeospiza fortisTaeniopygia - Estrildinae - Estrildidae - PasseroideaGeospiza - ThraupidaePasseriformesBudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatusPhasianidae - Galliformes - GalloanseraeAquila chrysaetos - Aquila - Accipitrinae - Accipitridae - AccipitriformesPasseriformesMelopsittacus - Psittaculidae - PsittaciformesNeognathaeBrown kiwiApteryx mantelli mantelliNeognathaeApteryx mantelli - Apteryx - Apterygidae - Apterygiformes - PalaeognathaeAvesAmerican alligatorAlligator mississippiensisAves - Coelurosauria - Theropoda - Saurischia - DinosauriaAlligator - Alligatorinae - Alligatoridae - CrocodyliaArchosauriaPainted turtleChrysemys picta belliiArchosauriaChrysemys picta - Chrysemys - Emydidae - Testudinoidea - Durocryptodira - Cryptodira - Testudines - TestudinataArchelosauriaLizardAnolis carolinensisGarter snakeThamnophis sirtalisAnolis - Dactyloidae - IguaniaThamnophis - Natricinae - Colubridae - Colubroidea - SerpentesToxicoferaArchelosauriaToxicofera - Episquamata - Unidentata - Bifurcata - Squamata - LepidosauriaSauriaMammaliaSauria - SauropsidaAmniotaX. tropicalisXenopus tropicalisAfrican clawed frogXenopus laevisSiluranaXenopusXenopusTibetan frogNanorana parkeriXenopus - Xenopodinae - Pipidae - PipoideaNanorana - Dicroglossinae - Dicroglossidae - Ranoidea - NeobatrachiaAnuraAmniotaAnura - Batrachia - AmphibiaTetrapodaCoelacanthLatimeria chalumnaeTetrapoda - DipnotetrapodomorphaLatimeria - Coelacanthidae - Coelacanthiformes - CoelacanthimorphaSarcopterygiiZebrafishDanio rerioSticklebackGasterosteus aculeatusFuguTakifugu rubripesTetraodonTetraodon nigroviridisTakifuguTetraodonTetraodontidaeGasterosteus - Gasterosteidae - Gasterosteales - Cottioidei - PerciformesTetraodontidae - Tetradontoidea - Tetraodontoidei - TetraodontiformesEupercariaMedakaOryzias latipesNile tilapiaOreochromis niloticusOryzias - Oryziinae - Adrianichthyidae - Adrianichthyoidei - Beloniformes - AtherinomorphaeOreochromis - Oreochromini - Pseudocrenilabrinae - African cichlids - Cichlidae - Cichliformes - CichlomorphaeOvalentariaEupercariaOvalentariaPercomorphaceaeAtlantic codGadus morhuaPercomorphaceae - EuacanthomorphaceaGadus - Gadidae - Gadoidei - Gadiformes - Gadariae - Zeiogadaria - ParacanthopterygiiAcanthomorphataDanio - Danioninae - Danionidae - Cyprinoidei - Cypriniformes - Cypriniphysae - Otophysi - Ostariophysi - OtomorphaAcanthomorphata - Ctenosquamata - Eurypterygia - Neoteleostei - EuteleosteomorphaClupeocephalaSarcopterygiiClupeocephala - Osteoglossocephalai - Teleostei - Neopterygii - Actinopteri - ActinopterygiiEuteleostomiElephant sharkCallorhinchus miliiEuteleostomi - TeleostomiCallorhinchus - Callorhinchidae - Chimaeriformes - Holocephali - ChondrichthyesGnathostomataLampreyPetromyzon marinusGnathostomataPetromyzon - Petromyzontidae - Petromyzontiformes - Hyperoartia - CyclostomataVertebrataLanceletBranchiostoma floridaeC. intestinalisCiona intestinalisVertebrata - CraniataBranchiostoma - Branchiostomidae - Amphioxiformes - Leptocardii - CephalochordataCiona - Cionidae - Phlebobranchia - Ascidiacea - TunicataChordataS. purpuratusStrongylocentrotus purpuratusChordataStrongylocentrotus - Strongylocentrotidae - Echinidea - Camarodonta - Echinacea - Euechinoidea - Echinoidea - Echinozoa - Eleutherozoa - EchinodermataDeuterostomiaD. melanogasterDrosophila melanogasterD. erectaDrosophila erectaD. sechelliaDrosophila sechelliaD. simulansDrosophila simulansD. yakubaDrosophila yakubaDrosophila melanogasterDrosophila erectaDrosophila sechelliaDrosophila simulansDrosophila yakubamelanogaster subgroupD. ananassaeDrosophila ananassaemelanogaster subgroupananassae species complex - ananassae subgroupmelanogaster groupD. persimilisDrosophila persimilisD. pseudoobscuraDrosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscuraDrosophila persimilisD. pseudoobscurapseudoobscura subgroupmelanogaster grouppseudoobscura subgroup - obscura groupSophophoraD. mojavensisDrosophila mojavensisD. virilisDrosophila virilismojavensis species complex - mulleri subgroup - repleta groupvirilis groupDrosophilaD. grimshawiDrosophila grimshawiSophophoraDrosophilagrimshawi subgroup - grimshawi group - grimshawi clade - picture wing clade - Hawaiian DrosophilaDrosophilaA. gambiaeAnopheles gambiae str. PESTDrosophila - Drosophilini - Drosophilinae - Drosophilidae - Ephydroidea - Acalyptratae - Schizophora - Cyclorrhapha - Eremoneura - Muscomorpha - BrachyceraA. gambiae - gambiae species complex - Pyretophorus - Cellia - Anopheles - Anophelinae - Culicidae - Culicoidea - Culicomorpha - NematoceraDipteraA. melliferaApis melliferaDipteraApis - Apini - Apinae - Apidae - Apoidea - Aculeata - Apocrita - HymenopteraEndopterygotaC. elegansCaenorhabditis elegansC. brenneriCaenorhabditis brenneriC. briggsaeCaenorhabditis briggsaeC. japonicaCaenorhabditis japonicaC. remaneiCaenorhabditis remaneiCaenorhabditis elegansCaenorhabditis brenneriCaenorhabditis briggsaeCaenorhabditis japonicaCaenorhabditis remaneiCaenorhabditisP. pacificusPristionchus pacificusCaenorhabditis - Peloderinae - Rhabditidae - Rhabditoidea - RhabditomorphaPristionchus - Neodiplogasteridae - Diplogasteroidea - DiplogasteromorphaRhabditinaEndopterygota - Neoptera - Pterygota - Dicondylia - Insecta - Hexapoda - Pancrustacea - Mandibulata - Arthropoda - PanarthropodaRhabditina - Rhabditida - Chromadorea - NematodaEcdysozoaSea hareAplysia californicaEcdysozoaAplysia - Aplysiidae - Aplysioidea - Aplysiida - Tectipleura - Euthyneura - Heterobranchia - Gastropoda - Mollusca - Lophotrochozoa - SpiraliaProtostomiaDeuterostomiaProtostomiaBilateriaS. cerevisiaeSaccharomyces cerevisiae S288CBilateria - Eumetazoa - MetazoaS. cerevisiae - Saccharomyces - Saccharomycetaceae - Saccharomycetales - Saccharomycetes - Saccharomycotina - saccharomyceta - Ascomycota - Dikarya - FungiOpisthokontaEbola virusZaire ebolavirusSARS-CoV-2Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Ebolavirus - Filoviridae - Mononegavirales - Monjiviricetes - Haploviricotina - NegarnaviricotaSevere acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus - Sarbecovirus - Betacoronavirus - Orthocoronavirinae - Coronaviridae - Cornidovirineae - Nidovirales - Pisoniviricetes - PisuviricotaOrthornaviraeMonkeypox virusMonkeypox virusOrthornavirae - RiboviriaOrthopoxvirus - Chordopoxvirinae - Poxviridae - Chitovirales - Pokkesviricetes - Nucleocytoviricota - Bamfordvirae - VaridnaviriaVirusesOpisthokonta - Eukaryota - cellular organismsVirusesroot
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Human Assembly
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Current position: chr7:155,799,529-155,812,871
Human Genome Browser - hg38 assembly
Homo sapiens
(Graphic courtesy of CBSE)

UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID: hg38
Sequencing/Assembly provider ID: Genome Reference Consortium Human GRCh38.p14 (GCA_000001405.29)
Assembly date: Dec. 2013 initial release; June 2022 patch release 14
Assembly accession: GCA_000001405.29
NCBI Genome ID: 51 (Homo sapiens (human))
NCBI Assembly ID: GCF_000001405.40 (GRCh38.p14, GCA_000001405.29)
BioProject ID: PRJNA31257

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Assembly Details

The GRCh38 assembly is the first major revision of the human genome released in more than four years. As with the previous GRCh37 assembly, the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) is now the primary source for human genome assembly data submitted to GenBank. Beginning with this release, the UCSC Genome Browser version numbers for the human assemblies now match those of the GRC to minimize version confusion. Hence, the GRCh38 assembly is referred to as "hg38" in the Genome Browser datasets and documentation. For a glossary of assembly-related terms, see the GRC Assembly Terminology page.

GRCh38 Highlights

  • Alternate sequences - Several human chromosomal regions exhibit sufficient variability to prevent adequate representation by a single sequence. To address this, the GRCh38 assembly provides alternate sequence for selected variant regions through the inclusion of alternate loci scaffolds (or alt loci). Alt loci are separate accessioned sequences that are aligned to reference chromosomes. The GRCh38 initial assembly contained 261 alt loci, many of which are associated with the LRC/KIR area of chr19 and the MHC region on chr6. Subsequent GRC patch releases have added additional alt loci and fix patches. See the sequences page for the latest list of the reference chromosomes, alternate, and patch sequences in GRCh38.
  • Fix sequences - Fix patches denoted by chr__fix represent changes to the existing sequence. These are generally error corrections (such as base changes, component replacements/updates, switch point updates or tiling path changes) or assembly improvements (such as extension of sequence into gaps). These fix patch scaffold sequences are given chromosome context through alignments to the corresponding chromosome regions. A list of all chromosomes including chr_fix sequences can be found in the sequences page.
  • Centromere representation - Debuting in this release, the large megabase-sized gaps that represented centromeric regions in previous assemblies have been replaced by sequences from centromere models created by Karen Miga et al., using centromere databases developed during her work in the Willard lab at Duke University (now at the University of Chicago) and analysis software developed while working in the Kent lab at UCSC. The models, which provide the approximate repeat number and order for each centromere, will be useful for read mapping and variation studies.
  • Mitochondrial genome - The mitochondrial reference sequence included in the GRCh38 assembly (termed "chrM" in the UCSC Genome Browser) is the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) from MITOMAP with GenBank accession number J01415.2 and RefSeq accession number NC_012920.1. This differs from the chrM sequence (RefSeq accession number NC_001807) provided by the Genome Browser for hg19, which was not updated when the GRCh37 assembly later transitioned to the new version.
  • Sequence updates - Several erroneous bases and misassembled regions in GRCh37 have been corrected in the GRCh38 assembly, and more than 100 gaps have been filled or reduced. Much of the data used to improve the reference sequence was obtained from other genome sequencing and analysis projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project.
  • Analysis set - The GRCh38 assembly offers an "analysis set" that was created to accommodate next generation sequencing read alignment pipelines. To avoid false mapping of reads, duplicate copies of centromeric arrays and WGS on several chromosomes have been hard-masked with Ns. The two PAR regions on chromosome Y have also been hard-masked, and the Epstein-Barr virus sequence has been added as a decoy to attract contamination in samples. Two versions of the analysis set are available on our downloads page: one without the alternate chromosomes from this assembly, and one that includes them.

Chromosome naming conventions
UCSC has introduced some slight changes to the Genome Browser chromosome naming scheme with this release:

  • Haplotype chromosome, unplaced contig and unlocalized contig names now include their NCBI accession number (e.g., chr6_GL000256v2_alt)
  • The "v2" at the end of the accession number indicates the NCBI version number
  • Haplotype chromosome names consist of the chromosome number, followed by the NCBI accession number, followed by "alt"
  • Fix sequence names consist of the chromosomes number, followed by the NCBI accession number, followed by "fix" (e.g., chr7_KQ031388v1_fix)
  • Unlocalized contig names consist of the chromosome number, followed by the NCBI accession number, followed by "random"
  • Unplaced contig names (contigs whose associated chromosome is not known) consist of "chrUn" followed by the NCBI accession number

Pseudoautosomal regions
The Y chromosome in this assembly contains two pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) that were taken from the corresponding regions in the X chromosome and are exact duplicates:

chrY:10,000-2,781,479 and chrY:56,887,902-57,217,415
chrX:10,000-2,781,479 and chrX:155,701,382-156,030,895

Assembly statistics
For a detailed set of statistics about this assembly, see the GRCh38 GenBank record.

NumberHaplotypesFixesUnlocalized Contigs

unlocalized contigs42
unplaced contigs127

For more information about the files included in the GRCh38 GenBank submission, see the GRCh38 README. Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data may be obtained from the Genome Browser Downloads page or the FTP server. The annotation tracks for this browser were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide.


Miga KH, Newton Y, Jain M, Altemose N, Willard HF, Kent WJ. Centromere reference models for human chromosomes X and Y satellite arrays. Genome Res. 2014 Apr;24(4):697-707. Epub 2014 Feb 5.