UCSC Genome Browser on Human (GRCh37/hg19)
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chr7:141,672,167-141,673,746 1,580 bp.

+   Mapping and Sequencing
+   Genes and Gene Predictions
+   Phenotypes, Variants, and Literature
-   Variation
dbSNP 155
1000G Archive
Array Probesets
dbSNP Archive
dbVar Common Struct Var
new denovo-db
DGV Struct Var
EVS Variants
Genome In a Bottle
Genome Variants
HAIB Genotype
HapMap SNPs
HGDP Allele Freq
Platinum Genomes
+   mRNA and EST
+   Expression
+   Regulation
+   Comparative Genomics
+   Neandertal Assembly and Analysis
+   Denisova Assembly and Analysis
+   Repeats
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