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Wang et al., J Biol Chem 2003
These data demonstrate that
ICAM-1 ligation activates SRC tyrosine kinases and that this activation
requires SHP-2 as well as production of reactive oxygen species generated from xanthine oxidase
Couty et al., J Neurochem 2007
We present evidence that the PECAM-1 associated tyrosine phosphatase
SHP-2 is
required for
ICAM-1 signaling, suggesting that its activity might crucially contribute to the regulation of ICAM-1 signaling by PECAM-1
Pazdrak et al., J Immunol 2008
However, the interaction of GMRbeta with the phosphorylated ICAM-1 derived peptide was observed only with stimulated eosinophil lysates, suggesting that the interaction of GMRbeta with
ICAM-1 required phosphorylated
Shp2 and/or phosphorylated GMRbeta