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Zhao et al., J Immunol 2012
(Inflammation) :
Inhibition of
miR-181a/b function with anti-miRs
blocked TNF-a induced suppression of
PCAF expression ... These data suggest that
PCAF is a
target for
miR-181a/b , and downregulation of PCAF by TNF-a provides negative feedback regulation to inflammatory reactions in liver epithelial cells, a process that may be relevant to the epigenetic fine tuning of epithelial inflammatory processes in general
Mizuguchi et al., PloS one 2012
Furthermore, disruption of P300 and
PCAF interactions dramatically down
regulates miR-200c/141 promoter activity, indicating a PCAF/P300 cooperative function in regulating the transcriptional suppressor/activator role of ZEB1