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Orlandi et al., J Biol Chem 2007
In the presence of 10 % serum, a reduced G ( 1 ) -- > S phase progression preceded PLC induced intimal cell apoptosis ; in 0.1 % serum cultures, in a dose dependent manner,
PLC rapidly induced intimal cell apoptosis and
reduced p65 , p50, IAP-1, and IAP-2 expression
An et al., Curr Biol 2011
Stimulation of PLC-ß by
WNK1 and by Ga ( q ) are synergistic ; WNK1 activity is
essential for regulation of
PLC-ß signaling by G ( q ) -coupled receptors, and basal input from G ( q ) is necessary for WNK1 signaling via PLC-ß ... Stimulation of PLC-ß by WNK1 and by Ga ( q ) are synergistic
; WNK1 activity is
essential for regulation of
PLC-ß signaling by G ( q ) -coupled receptors, and basal input from G ( q ) is necessary for WNK1 signaling via PLC-ß