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Text-mined interactions from Literome
Chiang et al., J Pharm Pharmacol 2003
A phosphatidylcholine-phospholipase C (
PC-PLC ) inhibitor ( D-609 ) and a phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C ( PI-PLC ) inhibitor ( U-73122 )
attenuated lipoteichoic acid induced
COX-2 expression, while a phosphatidate phosphohydrolase inhibitor ( propranolol ) had no effect
Lin et al., Cell Signal 2004
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor ( genistein ), phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (
PC-PLC ) inhibitor ( D-609 ) and PKC inhibitor ( GF109203X )
attenuated TNF-alpha induced
COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis in HTSMCs. TNF-alpha induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis were also inhibited by PD98059 ( an inhibitor of MEK1/2 ) and SB203580 and SB202190 ( inhibitors of p38 MAPK ), respectively, suggesting the involvement of p42/p44 and p38 MAPKs in these responses
Chang et al., Mol Pharmacol 2004
Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (
PI-PLC ), protein kinase C ( PKC ), and Src inhibitors
inhibited COX-2 induction
Tzeng et al., Pharmacol Res 2010
PGN induced
COX-2 expression was
attenuated by a PC-PLC inhibitor ( D609 ) and by PKC inhibitors ( Go 6976 and Ro 31-8220 ), but not by a
phosphatidylinositol-PLC ( PI-PLC ) inhibitor ( U-73122 )