Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Shah et al., Exp Mol Med 2001 : These data suggest that synergistic effect of 5-HT and PAF on human platelet aggregation involves activation of PLC/Ca2+ , COX and MAP kinase pathways
Dhar et al., Mol Pharmacol 1990 : PAF alone caused stimulation of PLC activity [ ( 3H ] inositol triphosphate production ), whereas pretreatment with Genistein ( 0.5 mM ) diminished PAF stimulated PLC activity to basal level
Kawaguchi et al., Biochim Biophys Acta 1990 : PAF also stimulated phospholipase C (PLC) activity and released IP3
Wang et al., Chin J Physiol 2013 : Differential inhibitory effects of 2-azafluorenones on PI-PLC activation but not on PC-PLC- or PC-PLD-activation induced by histamine, PAF , PMA or A23187 in C6 glioma cells
Morrison et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1989 : In comparison, PAF stimulated PLC activity, as monitored by [ 3H ] inositol triphosphate production, increased at lower concentrations and had an half-maximal effective concentration ( EC50 ) value of 1.5 nM ... The inhibitory effects of four PAF antagonists, CV-3988, CV-6209, SRI 63-441 and SRI 63-675 on the binding of [ 3H ] PAF were compared to the effects of the antagonists on PAF stimulated PLC activity ... The four antagonists inhibited [ 3H ] PAF binding almost completely whereas their ability to inhibit PAF stimulated PLC activity varied
Morrison et al., Life Sci 1989 : The possible involvement of protein kinase C activation in regulating PAF stimulated PLC activity was studied in rabbit platelets ... This study demonstrates that PAF stimulated PLC activity is negatively affected by protein kinase C ( PKC ) activation and that inhibition of PKC activity did not prevent desensitization of PLC by PAF
Akbar et al., Thromb Res 1982 : These findings indicate that : a ) PLC is capable of inducing aggregation and specific secretion of [ 14C ] -5HT without causing lysis of platelets ; b ) mechanism of PLC induced activation of platelets is independent of prostaglandin generation or action, released ADP, and PAF ; and c ) cyclic AMP plays a modulatory role in PLC mediated secretion and aggregation of human platelets
Ali et al., J Biol Chem 1997 : As PAF and formylpeptide chemoattractant receptors activate PLC via different G proteins, phosphorylation of PLCbeta3 by PKC and PKA could provide distinct regulatory control for classes of G protein coupled receptors