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Luque et al., J Mol Endocrinol 2006
Therefore, this study examined the
effects of glucocorticoids ( dexamethasone ( 0.1-100 nM ) and hydrocortisone ( 10 nM ) ), FFA ( oleic and linoleic acid, 100 and 400 microM each ),
IGF-I ( 0.5-50 nM ), and insulin ( 0.5-50 nM ) on GH release and GH,
GHRH-receptor (GHRH-R) and ghrelin-receptor ( GHS-R ) mRNA levels, in primary pituitary cell cultures of baboons ( Papio anubis ) after 24 h treatment
Ranke et al., Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1987
(Turner Syndrome) :
In a total of 56 children and adolescents with Turner 's syndrome ( 41 with karyotype 45,X ) basal serum levels of somatomedin bioactivity, Sm-C/IGF-I ( RIA ),
response to arginine and
GHRH ( GRF ( 1-29 ) NH2 ), and spontaneous GH secretion during 5.5 h of deep sleep were determined in a cross-sectional manner