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Crisostomo et al., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2008
TNF-alpha , LPS, and hypoxia significantly
increased human MSC VEGF,
FGF2 , HGF, and IGF-1 production versus controls
Candela et al., Mol Cell Biochem 1993
To examine the possible role of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in regulating the effects of TNF alpha, we tested the
effect of
FGF on TNF alpha mediated PGE2 production and
TNF alpha receptor expression in human fibroblasts ... We also found that
FGF significantly
enhanced TNF alpha receptor expression
Selzman et al., Surgery 1998
The class II cytokine receptor ligands, IL-10 and IFN, inhibit cytokine- (
TNF ) and growth factor- (
induced VSMC proliferation