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Ekerot et al., Biochem J 2008
regulation of
FGF signalling by
DUSP6/MKP-3 is driven by ERK1/2 and mediated by Ets factor binding to a conserved site within the DUSP6/MKP-3 gene promoter ...
DUSP6/MKP-3 is
inducible by
FGF ( fibroblast growth factor ) signalling and acts as a negative regulator of ERK activity in key and discrete signalling centres that direct outgrowth and patterning in early vertebrate embryos ... In the present study, we demonstrate, using pharmacological inhibitors and analysis of the murine DUSP6/MKP-3 gene promoter, that the ERK pathway is critical for
FGF induced DUSP6/MKP-3 transcription
Uejima et al., Dev Growth Differ 2010
Manipulated overdose of fibroblast growth factor ( FGF ) in the presumptive digit 2 region of chick forelimb bud results in elongation of cartilage elements of digit 2, suggesting that attenuated
FGF signaling, which
Mkp3 , Sef, and TSK negatively
regulate , provides digit 2-specific traits of morphology