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E2F5 — EGF
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Hanada et al., Mol Carcinog 2006
Promoter mutagenesis studies showed that
EGF induced activation of B-Myb promoter
required both
E2F and EGFR target sites
Loomis et al., Cancer Res 2007
We observed that C/EBPalpha blocked Ras induced and
epidermal growth factor induced
E2F activity in keratinocytes and also blocked Ras induced cell transformation and cell cycle progression
Kitano et al., Am J Physiol 1998
We examined epidermal growth factor (EGF)- and epinephrine stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase kinase ( MEK) 1 and MEK2 activities, DNA polymerase alpha activity, and
EGF stimulated
E2F DNA binding activity in primary cultured hepatocytes from 6- and 24-mo-old rats ...
EGF stimulated
E2F ( a transcription factor that regulates expression of the DNA polymerase alpha gene ) binding to DNA was reduced with age