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Liu et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2003
(Anoxia) :
The goal of the present study was to determine the
role of
calpain in changes in plasma membrane permeability and cytoskeleton associated paxillin,
vinculin , talin, and alpha-actinin levels during acute renal cell death
Calle et al., J Cell Sci 2006
In the present work, we show that inhibition of
calpain in primary mouse dendritic cells
leads to enhanced accumulation of actin filaments, the Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASP), beta ( 2 ) integrins, talin, paxillin and
vinculin in podosomes
Miyazaki et al., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2007
Additionally, HUVEC alignment and cytoskeletal remodeling, which was accompanied by
calpain mediated cleavage of
vinculin and talin, were also elicited by prolonged application of shear and impaired by m-calpain knockdown