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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Bartz et al., Blood 2006 : The results indicate that TLR stimulation during the period of DC generation interferes with and deviates DC differentiation and that these effects are mediated particularly by SOCS-1
Srivastava et al., J Biol Chem 2009 (Tuberculosis) : Co-stimulating DC-SIGNR1 and TLR2 differentially regulates SOCS1 expression depending on the relative concentration of their ligands ... Stimulating DC-SIGNR1 with M. tb infection increases SOCS1 expression, while stimulating TLR2 with M. tb infection reduces SOCS1 expression ... These results indicate that TLR2 and DC-SIGNR1 differentially regulate SOCS1 expression during M. tb infection
Srivastava et al., Immunol Cell Biol 2011 (Tuberculosis) : We recently demonstrated that toll-like receptor 2 and dendritic cell (DC)-SIGNR1 differentially regulate SOCS1 expression in DCs during M. tuberculosis infection
Tajiri et al., J Immunol 2012 (Autoimmune Diseases...) : Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1 plays a key role in the negative regulation of both TLR- and cytokine receptor mediated signaling, which is involved in innate immunity and subsequent adaptive immunity