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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Waheed et al., Hum Gene Ther 2005 (Chronic Disease...) : In the inflammatory mdx muscles, proteolytic activity of calcium activated calpain was reduced, and in mdx myotubes in vitro, incubation with NO donors also reduced calpain mediated utrophin proteolysis ... Since utrophin was shown to be a natural substrate of calpain and known inhibitors of calpain in cultured mdx myotubes increased utrophin levels, the above results were consistent with the following conclusions : ( 1 ) extrasynaptic utrophin increase is mainly responsible for the antidystrophic effect ; ( 2 ) extrasynaptic utrophin increase is a result of posttranscriptional mechanism ( s ) related to proinflammatory factors ; and ( 3 ) reduction of endogenous muscle calpain activity by inflammatory cytokines has an important role in the stabilization and increase of the extrasynaptic utrophin
Courdier-Fruh et al., Muscle Nerve 2006 (Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne) : In addition, we showed that activation of cellular calpains by Ca2+ ionophore treatment reduces utrophin protein levels in muscle cells and that calpain inhibition prevents this Ca2+ -induced reduction in utrophin levels