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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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IGF1 — TCF20

Text-mined interactions from Literome

Urban et al., Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002 : The two cell lines expressed Sp1 equally, and IGF-I did not increase expression of either transcription factor
Broussard et al., Endocrinology 2003 : TNFalpha also impairs the ability of IGF-I to induce expression of a key myogenic transcription factor , myogenin
Santisteban et al., Mol Endocrinol 1992 : Protein-DNA binding studies did not reveal any effect of insulin/IGF-I on the ubiquitous transcription factor and the TTF-1 binding capacity
Wolff et al., Cell 2006 : In C. elegans, the sole insulin/IGF-1 receptor, DAF-2, negatively regulates the FOXO transcription factor , DAF-16
Singh et al., International journal of biological sciences 2007 : IGF-1 increases the cyclic AMP-responsive element ( CRE ) binding transcription factor CREB phosphorylation at Ser 133 and CRE binding activity in mesangial cells, which parallels cyclin D1 and fibronectin expressions
Smith et al., J Invest Dermatol 2008 (Acne Vulgaris...) : IGF-1 increases expression of sterol response element binding protein-1 ( SREBP-1 ), a transcription factor that regulates numerous genes involved in lipid biosynthesis
Eleswarapu et al., Endocrinology 2008 : The transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription ( STAT ) -5 mediates GH stimulation of IGF-I gene expression in the liver
Bedini et al., J Neurochem 2008 (Neuroblastoma) : IGF-I activates the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 signaling pathway and this transcription factor , binding to the signal transducer and activator of transcription-1/3 DNA element located in the promoter, increases OPRM1 transcription
Jia et al., J Cell Mol Med 2011 : These data demonstrate a cross-talk between IGF-1R and AT-1R in AT-II and IGF-1 induced Cx43 expression in SV SMCs involving Erk 1/2 and downstream activation of the AP-1 transcription factor
Löw et al., Gen Comp Endocrinol 2011 (Nerve Degeneration) : The insulin/IGF-1 receptor inhibits the forkhead transcription factor , FoxO through activating a cascade of conserved kinases
Castillo et al., Endocrinology 1997 : As analyzed by Western blot, IGF-1 did not alter GHF-1/Pit-1 protein levels in GH4C1 cells but reduced the levels of the transcription factor in GH3 cells ... As analyzed by Western blot, IGF-1 did not alter GHF-1/Pit-1 protein levels in GH4C1 cells but reduced the levels of the transcription factor in GH3 cells