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McCarty et al., Med Hypotheses 2009
These phenomena become predictable if we postulate that
AMPK can
inhibit activation of
NADPH oxidase ... Such an effect would make sense from a homeostatic perspective, and moreover there is direct evidence that
AMPK suppresses
NADPH oxidase activation in neutrophils
Wang et al., Circ Res 2010
Analysis of aortic endothelial cells from AMPKalpha2 ( -/- ) mice and human umbilical vein endothelial cells expressing dominant negative AMPK or AMPKalpha2-specific siRNA revealed that loss of
AMPK activity
increased NAD ( P ) H oxidase subunit expression ( gp91(phox), p47(phox), p67(phox), NOX1 and -4 ),
NAD ( P ) H oxidase mediated superoxide production, 26S proteasome activity, IkappaBalpha degradation, and nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ( p50 and p65 ), whereas AMPK activation by AICAR or overexpression of constitutively active AMPK had the opposite effect
Eid et al., J Biol Chem 2010
(Diabetes Mellitus...) :
Activation of
AMPK blocked HG-induced expression of Nox4,
NADPH oxidase activity, and apoptosis
Tang et al., Free Radic Biol Med 2011
(Pneumonia) :
Inhibition of
NADPH oxidase activation by apocynin or siRNA targeting p47(phox) ( a subunit of NADPH oxidase )
attenuated the increased intracellular ROS level,
AMPK activation, and IL-8 induction