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Westra et al., Arch Physiol Biochem 2001
In this paper we report on additional experiments in which the
effect of
IMP on the Mg ( 2+ ) -stimulated
acto-myosin-ATPase activity of isolated actin and myosin is measured at 35 degrees C ... The results show that 1 ) the binding of actin to myosin is co-operative ( Hill coefficient = 3.82 ) ; 2 ) in the presence of IMP or AMP the Mg ( 2+ ) -stimulated
acto-myosin-ATPase activity is inhibited up to 60 % at 10 mM ; 3 ) in the
presence of
IMP or AMP not only the Mg ( 2+ ) -stimulated acto-myosin-ATPase activity decreases, but also K ( 50 )
Westra et al., Arch Physiol Biochem 2003
We have previously reported our finding that
IMP inhibits the Mg2+ -stimulated
acto-myosin-ATPase activity of isolated actin and myosin ... The results show that : ( i ) the Mg2+ -stimulated acto-myosin-ATPase activity decreases with decreasing temperature ; ( ii ) the Mg2+ -stimulated acto-myosin-ATPase activity is lower at pH = 6 and 8 compared to pH = 7 ; ( iii ) the effect of temperature and pH on the Mg2+ -stimulated acto-myosin-ATPase activity can be explained by a decrease in co-operativity between actin and myosin ; ( iv )
IMP inhibits the Mg2+ -stimulated
acto-myosin-ATPase activity at all temperatures and pH values