Science 1995,
PMID: 7878466
Brown, K; Gerstberger, S; Carlson, L; Franzoso, G; Siebenlist, U
I kappa B-alpha inhibits transcription factor NF-kappa B by retaining it in the cytoplasm. Various stimuli, typically those associated with stress or pathogens, rapidly inactivate I kappa B-alpha. This liberates NF-kappa B to translocate to the nucleus and initiate transcription of genes important for the defense of the organism. Activation of NF-kappa B correlates with phosphorylation of I kappa B-alpha and requires the proteolysis of this inhibitor. When either serine-32 or serine-36 of I kappa B-alpha was mutated, the protein did not undergo signal-induced phosphorylation or degradation, and NF-kappa B could not be activated. These results suggest that phosphorylation at one or both of these residues is critical for activation of NF-kappa B.
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Text Mining Data
NF-kappa B ⊣ I kappa B-alpha: "
I kappa B-alpha inhibits transcription factor
NF-kappa B by retaining it in the cytoplasm
Manually curated Databases
NCI Pathway Database Canonical NF-kappaB pathway:
IKK complex/ELKS complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-ERC1)
IKK complex/PKC alpha complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-PRKCA)
(modification, activates)
Evidence: assay, physical interaction
NCI Pathway Database Canonical NF-kappaB pathway:
IKK complex/ELKS complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-ERC1)
NF kappa B1 p50/RelA/I kappa B alpha complex (NFKB1-NFKBIA-RELA)
(modification, activates)
Evidence: assay, physical interaction
NCI Pathway Database Canonical NF-kappaB pathway:
IKK complex/ELKS complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-ERC1)
IKK complex complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG)
(modification, activates)
Evidence: assay, physical interaction
NCI Pathway Database Canonical NF-kappaB pathway:
IKK complex/PKC alpha complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-PRKCA)
NF kappa B1 p50/RelA/I kappa B alpha complex (NFKB1-NFKBIA-RELA)
(modification, activates)
Evidence: assay, physical interaction
NCI Pathway Database Canonical NF-kappaB pathway:
IKK complex/PKC alpha complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG-PRKCA)
IKK complex complex (CHUK-IKBKB-IKBKG)
(modification, activates)
Evidence: assay, physical interaction
In total, 31 gene pairs are associated to this article in curated databases