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Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
J Cell Biol 2009, PMID: 19171758

Kank attenuates actin remodeling by preventing interaction between IRSp53 and Rac1.

Roy, Badal Chandra; Kakinuma, Naoto; Kiyama, Ryoiti

In this study, insulin receptor substrate (IRS) p53 is identified as a binding partner for Kank, a kidney ankyrin repeat-containing protein that functions to suppress cell proliferation and regulate the actin cytoskeleton. Kank specifically inhibits the binding of IRSp53 with active Rac1 (Rac1(G12V)) but not Cdc42 (cdc42(G12V)) and thus inhibits the IRSp53-dependent development of lamellipodia without affecting the formation of filopodia. Knockdown (KD) of Kank by RNA interference results in increased lamellipodial development, whereas KD of both Kank and IRSp53 has little effect. Moreover, insulin-induced membrane ruffling is inhibited by overexpression of Kank. Kank also suppresses integrin-dependent cell spreading and IRSp53-induced neurite outgrowth. Our results demonstrate that Kank negatively regulates the formation of lamellipodia by inhibiting the interaction between Rac1 and IRSp53.

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Text Mining Data

IRSp53 ⊣ Kank: " Kank specifically inhibits the binding of IRSp53 with active Rac1 ( Rac1 ( G12V ) ) but not Cdc42 ( cdc42 ( G12V ) ) and thus inhibits the IRSp53 dependent development of lamellipodia without affecting the formation of filopodia "

Kank — IRSp53: " Our results demonstrate that Kank negatively regulates the formation of lamellipodia by inhibiting the interaction between Rac1 and IRSp53 "

Kank — Rac1: " Our results demonstrate that Kank negatively regulates the formation of lamellipodia by inhibiting the interaction between Rac1 and IRSp53 "

Manually curated Databases

  • IRef Hprd Interaction: BAIAP2 — RAC1 (in vitro)
  • IRef Hprd Interaction: BAIAP2 — RAC1 (in vivo)
  • IRef Hprd Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (in vivo)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: BAIAP2 — RAC1 (physical association, pull down)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: Complex of BAIAP2-KANK1-RAC1 (association, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — WASF2 (physical association, confocal microscopy)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: BAIAP2 — ACTB (physical association, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: Complex of BAIAP2-KANK1-KANK1 (association, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (physical association, confocal microscopy)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (physical association, two hybrid)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (physical association, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (physical association, pull down)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: KANK1 — BAIAP2 (physical association, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: BAIAP2 — CDC42 (physical association, pull down)
In total, 6 gene pairs are associated to this article in curated databases