Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
EMBO J 2007, PMID: 17235283

Efficient T-cell receptor signaling requires a high-affinity interaction between the Gads C-SH3 domain and the SLP-76 RxxK motif.

Seet, Bruce T; Berry, Donna M; Maltzman, Jonathan S; Shabason, Jacob; Raina, Monica; Koretzky, Gary A; McGlade, C Jane; Pawson, Tony

The relationship between the binding affinity and specificity of modular interaction domains is potentially important in determining biological signaling responses. In signaling from the T-cell receptor (TCR), the Gads C-terminal SH3 domain binds a core RxxK sequence motif in the SLP-76 scaffold. We show that residues surrounding this motif are largely optimized for binding the Gads C-SH3 domain resulting in a high-affinity interaction (K(D)=8-20 nM) that is essential for efficient TCR signaling in Jurkat T cells, since Gads-mediated signaling declines with decreasing affinity. Furthermore, the SLP-76 RxxK motif has evolved a very high specificity for the Gads C-SH3 domain. However, TCR signaling in Jurkat cells is tolerant of potential SLP-76 crossreactivity, provided that very high-affinity binding to the Gads C-SH3 domain is maintained. These data provide a quantitative argument that the affinity of the Gads C-SH3 domain for SLP-76 is physiologically important and suggest that the integrity of TCR signaling in vivo is sustained both by strong selection of SLP-76 for the Gads C-SH3 domain and by a capacity to buffer intrinsic crossreactivity.

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Manually curated Databases

  • IRef Biogrid Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (direct interaction, unspecified method)
  • IRef Hprd Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (in vivo)
  • IRef Hprd Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (in vitro)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: STAM2 — LCP2 (direct interaction, peptide array)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: STAM — LCP2 (direct interaction, peptide array)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: GRB2 — LCP2 (direct interaction, peptide array)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (direct interaction, surface plasmon resonance)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (direct interaction, isothermal titration calorimetry)
  • IRef Intact Interaction: GRAP2 — LCP2 (physical association, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation)
In total, 4 gene pairs are associated to this article in curated databases