Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining
J Biol Chem 2001, PMID: 11413129

Proteinase-activated receptor-2-mediated activation of stress-activated protein kinases and inhibitory kappa B kinases in NCTC 2544 keratinocytes.

Kanke, T; Macfarlane, S R; Seatter, M J; Davenport, E; Paul, A; McKenzie, R C; Plevin, R

In this study we examined the regulation of the stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases and inhibitory kappa B kinases (IKKs) through stimulation of the novel G-protein-coupled receptor proteinase-activated receptor-2 in the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC2544. Trypsin and the peptide SLIGKV stimulated a time-dependent increase in both c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Trypsin also stimulated NF kappa B-DNA binding and the activation of the upstream kinases IKK alpha and -beta. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate also strongly activated both SAP kinases and IKK isoforms, suggesting the potential for a protein kinase C-mediated regulatory mechanism underlying the effects of trypsin. Pre-incubation with selective protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors GF109203X and Gö6983, or transfection of dominant negative (DN)-PKC alpha, abolished phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-mediated c-Jun N-terminal kinase activity, although it only partially inhibited the response to trypsin. In contrast, Gö6983 reduced trypsin-stimulated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity to a greater extent than GF109203X, although DN-PKC alpha or PKC zeta had no substantial effect. Additionally, inhibitors of PKC partially reduced trypsin-stimulated IKK alpha activity but abolished that of IKK beta, whereas DN-PKC alpha but not DN-PKC zeta substantially reduced trypsin-stimulated Flag-IKK beta activity. This study shows for the first time proteinase-activated receptor-2-mediated stimulation of both SAP kinase and IKK signaling and differing roles for PKC isoforms in the regulation of each pathway.

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Text Mining Data

Flag-IKK beta ⊣ DN-PKC alpha: " Additionally, inhibitors of PKC partially reduced trypsin stimulated IKK alpha activity but abolished that of IKK beta, whereas DN-PKC alpha but not DN-PKC zeta substantially reduced trypsin stimulated Flag-IKK beta activity "

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