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mitogen activated protein kinase → insulin: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4, whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
Grb-2 → mitogen activated protein kinase: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4, whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
Grb-2 → Insulin: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4, whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
IRS-1 → mitogen activated protein kinase: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4, whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
IRS-1 → Insulin: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4, whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
IRS-4 → mitogen activated protein kinase: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4 , whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
IRS-4 → Insulin: " Insulin promoted the association of Grb-2 with IRS-1 and IRS-4 , whereas IRS-2 weakly bound Grb-2 ; consequently, IRS-1 and IRS-4 enhanced insulin stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase activity "
PKB/Akt → IRS-4: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "
PKB/Akt → PI 3-kinase: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "
PKB/Akt → IRS-4: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "
PKB/Akt → PI 3-kinase: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "
BAD → IRS-4: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "
BAD → PI 3-kinase: " IRS-4 also promoted the activation of PKB/Akt and BAD phosphorylation during insulin stimulation ; however, it weakly bound or activated p85 associated PI 3-kinase and failed to mediate the activation of p70 ( s6k ) "